Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC

  • Legal
300 West Vine Street
Suite 2100
Lexington, KY 40507
(859) 231-3062
(859) 246-3662 (fax)
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • About

    Stoll Keenon Ogden is a law firm with a proud and storied history. It is also dynamic and forward-thinking with inspired, passionate attorneys who operate at the highest levels of their profession. SKO provides tailored legal solutions to even the most complex problems and challenges.

    In a world that demands change and adaptation, innovation and creativity are not optional – they are essential to success in any field. Stoll Keenon Ogden recognizes that a viable firm for tomorrow cannot rest only on its track record.

    Through creative engagement, interpretation, application of knowledge – and paying attention to every detail – SKO works to win for its clients.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Mr. Charles R. Baesler, Jr.
      Chair, Immigration Practice Group
      Phone: (859) 231-3944
    • Maristela Emilia
      Phone: (502) 333-6000